Computer Science
- 61A: Structures and Interpretations of Computer Programs (Fall 2017)
- 61B: Data Structures (Spring 2018)
- 70: Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (Spring 2018)
- 170: Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems (Fall 2018)
- C100: Principles & Techniques of Data Science (Spring 2019)
- 189: Machine Learning (Spring 2019)
- 61C: Great Ideas in Computer Architecture (Fall 2019)
- 162: Computer Security (Spring 2020, in progress)
- 162: Operating Systems and Systems Programming (Spring 2020, in progress)
- 250A: Multivariable Calculus (CSUF, Fall 2016)
- 250B: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (CSUF, Spring 2017)
110: Linear Algebra (Fall 2018)
- 104: Real Analysis (Spring 2019)
- 113: Introduction to Abstract Algebra (Fall 2019)
- 185: Complex Analysis (Spring 2020, in progress)
- 140: Probability for Data Science (Fall 2019, In Progress)